Vibhu Nagral
Vibhu Nagral is a certified health, wellness, and life coach, yoga therapist, and counselor, bringing over 25 years of global experience in yoga therapy, counseling, and CXO coaching. As the founder of Choose to be Well, Vibhu has dedicated her career to empowering individuals and organizations to make informed choices that enhance their and their corporations’ well-being. Her mantra, “Prevent Dis(ease), Preserve Health,” encapsulates her commitment to proactive health and wellness. She believes in building “Wellthy” corporations!
Vibhu’s career spans both the US and India, enriching her with extensive global experience in corporate and wellness consulting. Her expertise includes working with diverse populations seeking mind, body, and spirit wellness.
She serves as a board member of Sharp Again (www.sharpagain.org).

Babitarani Suvarna
Yoga therapist, Counselor & Healing Coach
has always believed Health is WEALTH. She is certified yoga therapist,counselor and naturopath with an MA in Psychology, who has over 15 years of experience in treating patients with cancer, Parkinson’s disease, mental health and chronic pain.

Namrata Sharma
Art & Music Therapy Consultant
is armed with a degree in engineering, the mind of an entrepreneur and the heart of an artist, Namrata Sharma stepped into the world of IT and Animation and gained over 20 years of learning and experience in these fields. From working as an animator to heading the production of full length animated feature films.